Competition Platforms

Accompanying resource for the paper AI Competitions and Benchmarks: Competition Platforms. Current status: draft; features still to be verified.

Top Platform Features

Criteria AICrowd Codabench CodaLab DrivenData EvalAI Kaggle Tianchi Zindi
Design Support - - - -
Data Support - - -
Code sharing - - -
Code evaluation -
Custom metrics
Staged contests - - -
Private evaluation - - - - -
RL-friendly - - -
Judging panel ? ? ? ? ?
HITL evaluation - - - ? ? -
Run for free - - -
Open-source - - - - -

Competition Platforms

Broader comparison. Users as of end of 2023. Number of competitions and total prize money represents full year 2023.

For more information, see State of Competitive ML in 2023.

Platform Founded Users Competitions Total prize money
AIcrowd 2017 123k+ 17 $198,000
Bitgrit 2017 35k+ 2 $6,000
Codabench 2023 3.5k+ 3 $10,000
CodaLab 2013 55k+ 71 $218,000
DrivenData 2014 100k+ 11 $1,762,000
DS Works 5 $127,000
EvalAI 2017 40k+ 33 $96,000
Grand Challenge 2010 94k+ 22 $40,000
Hugging Face 2023 5 $4,000 2023 14k+ 5 $41,000
Kaggle 2010 17m+ 41 $2,358,000
Lab42 2022 ~500 3 $87,000
Onward 2022 3.2k+ 3 $110,000
Signate 2014 80k+ 12 $163,000
Solafune 2020 3 $30,000
Tianchi 2014 61 $852,000
Trustii 2020 1.5k+ 2 $60,000
Zindi 2018 72k+ 21 $134,000
Other 47 $1,518,000